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About Wellford’s Antiques & Interiors

Wellford’s Antiques specializes in beautiful English and French furniture, original art, pottery, unique pieces of sterling, silverplated items, estate silver, and gifts. The business started many years ago by collecting one-of-a-kind items to use in the decoration of homes. As owner, Karen Wellford’s interior design business grew. More space was needed to showcase the many finds made in the USA and abroad. Now Wellford’s Antiques & Interiors is an antique, silver, art, and interior design business. The business is known for high-end designer fabrics, wallpapers as well as fine art, and custom-made lamps. The design studio is open to clients, designers, and the public. One specialty is silver repair and the art of polishing silver. The shop is the only purveyor of Aladdin’s Magic Soap in the Mid-South. This special soap is designed to remove tarnish from silver with ease and with very little elbow grease.

Wellford’s Antiques and Interiors’ original location was on Central, then it moved to Highland, and now is located on Poplar Ave. in the heart of East Memphis.

Visit Our Antique Shop Today