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Understanding Design Trends Can Help You Create a Beautiful Home

Wellford’s Antiques & Interiors has years of experience in the design business. Our Memphis antique shop was a natural result of our reputation as one of the area’s best resources for home improvement services. We understand design trends and how to adapt as they shift. One can find what you’re looking for at Wellford’s ensuring you can create a comfortable and well-designed home. In 2022, there are no shortages of exciting trends to explore.

two person sofa

Bring Nature & the Colors of Nature Into Your Home for a Refreshing Atmosphere

Dusty blues and grays have ruled the interior design world for a few years. But 2022 has seen a subtle shift toward earthy tones that remind homeowners of the outdoors. For instance, greens, warm linens, and striking primary color palettes will instantly revitalize your décor.

We Can Help by Pointing You in the Right Direction

Nature-Inspired Greens

Following cues from nature isn’t a new concept in interior design. Green can provide a unique neutral shade without being drab or uninspiring. Most importantly, studies have proven the color green is soothing. Some of our favorite Sherwin Williams green colors are Greenfield and Garden Spot.

Warm Linens

One of the more popular ideas in interior design in 2022 is the concept of neutral walls. Ultra-clean colors compliment the art, furnishing, and more throughout the home. One doesn't need to paint your walls a dull white color. Instead, we recommend one of a few Sherwin Williams neutrals, including Restoration Ivory, Queen Anne Lace, and Dover White.

Striking Primary Colors

Don’t fall into the trap of overusing neutral tones. Every home needs a snap of color. For instance, by using bright and saturated primaries, one can infuse the home with a colorful and eye-catching appeal. Our team members are big fans of Rave Red, Gingery, and Coconut Husk from Sherwin Williams.

We Use Our Expertise to Help Enhance The Appeal of Your Home

Our background in interior design can be a tremendous asset to you and your family. Our experience allows us to direct you in a rewarding way. Our antique shop contains a world of possibilities, and we can use our knowledge to help you find a piece of furniture or original art that will complement your home and express your personal style.

Visit Our Antique Shop Today